Life stories Science stories


Do people not take their time? Is it weird when some people do? It’s not like driving extra slow because it’s Sunday (please, never drive extra slow), it’s about taking your time to pause on a hike because there’s a clearing and you get to peek at a sunset or a flock of birds flying […]

Life stories Science stories

Deconstructing construction

There’s a lot of people who would appreciate owning a piece of property, whether that is a house, a condo, a downtown flat or a suburbia mansion with its own pool and/or gazimbo. Up to a recent point in the past, it had been possible for young professionals, newlyweds and solo careerists to accummulate enough […]

Life stories Science stories

Fatality of human potentiality

Have you ever pondered on how historical events seem to unfold through unfortunate circumstance, chance reputation and right person-in the right moment-at the right time? Connecting the dots can be fun, aggravating, mind-bending and scary. Here are just some of the things that clouded my brain recently: One of the most famous ancient findings establishing […]

Life stories Science stories

Did we forget about conscious living?

On the occassion of a favoured foodie place releasing helium balloons in the middle of an island, surrounded by wet wet sea, as part of a marketing promo, it may be time for an updated collection of tips on how to live on the planet while trying not to kill it (that is, us). Also, […]

Life stories

What lives in August

Life stories

What dies in August

Life stories Science stories

Problems of the majority

MORTALITY AND EQUITY IN OUR HOMES. It’s almost August and it’s already too hot to be a human in the streets of Nicosia, the easternmost island of the Mediterranean, currently on the verge of desertification. For the past few years, temperatures have been scaling to over 40 degrees (Celsius) regularly during the summer months. Even […]

Life stories

Short note on the end of an era

Iconic. Ok, too many iconic scenes from that sitcom but when you’re born in the 90’s and this is what you grow up with, Monica’s shrill voice (and often personality) gets imprinted in your brain. Real hard. But that’s not why we’re here. What is an era really and how do you know it’s over? […]

Life stories Science stories

Didn’t get the memo

Although time is relative and we are living on a pale blue dot and nothing we individually do matters in the grant scheme of things, time has taken an entire new meaning in our vocabularies since 2020. Yes this is another covid-related post. Yes we’re still on this page, on a slightly different narrative. Stolen […]

Life stories Science stories

Staying (ir)relevant

For the past several million years, planet earth has been playing host to a special kind of parasite. To make things easier, let’s say it’s a he/she, his name is Steven and he transcends time and space. Steven started out humbly, just a hominin going about her business collecting fruit from the ground, favouring those […]